December 14, 2019

Azure Devops for PowerShell - #AzureAdventCalendar 2019 Day 15

Posted on December 14, 2019  •  2 minutes  • 378 words

Did you grow up with advent calendars in the lead up to Christmas each year? My kids have taken up the tradition with a great passion (the chocolate may have something to do with this), which makes me all sorts of jealous.

Luckily there’s another option for those that may have - as far as you’ll admit to the office - outgrown chocolate based advent calendars: the Azure Advent Calendar .

This awesome initiative has been organized by two Azure MVPs: Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper .

But what do you get if not chocolate? Three Azure related videos… every day from December 1st through the 25th! That’s a total of 75 videos from a community of really passionate people.

I’m humbled to be able to count myself among those contributing a video to the calendar and today is the day that my video goes live (hint… it was at the top of this page.)

If you want to see what everyone else has already released, and what’s still to come this month, you can go to the main website or directly to the YouTube channel .

Note, the subscribe button above is for my channel, due to how this site works, please do consider subscribing to the event’s channel!

Show Notes

While the video itself is the main body of my contribution, I did want to share some links to resources and the Azure DevOps project I was working in for the demonstration.

The PowerShell module I was working with, KovertKringle, was actually written two years ago during a live stream . This module never found its way into it’s own code repository nor the PowerShell Gallery making it an appropriately themed option for this demo.

You can find the project on Azure DevOps: KovertKringle

You can see the number of failures I had during the cut towards the end of the video there and the commits that were made to fix it as I (slowly) figured out what was wrong.

If you’re starting to dive into this topic and what to see what built in tasks are available to you, check out the official docs .

For a good primer on multi-stage pipelines check out this post from Barbara Forbes .

Finally, have a great holiday!

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