January 24, 2018

Crouton #5 - Password Expiry Warning

Posted on January 24, 2018  •  4 minutes  • 754 words

“Something is wrong with my computer. Outlook is asking me for my password?!”

“Let me look… Oh, it looks like your password expired about 15 minutes ago.”

“How the heck did that happen, isn’t the system meant to give me some warning?”

Invisible Expiry Reminders

I don’t often get these calls personally any more, but I do overhear them. There’s no point trying to tell your user that the ‘system’ did warn them (for three days by default).

I imagine those warnings are probably something like website ads: Invisible.

They are popping up; the user just didn’t process them into something that needs to be actioned.

To be fair, these notifications in Windows 7 are pathetic.

Windows 10 switched to toasts and they are a step up, but I think we can do better.

Note: I don’t know what the situation was like in Windows 8/8.1, I don’t remember ever joining that OS to a domain.

Get to the Point!

Right, I haven’t actually stated what the point of this post is.

Let’s create our own toast notifications to remind our users that their passwords are about to expire. We’ll make these toasts as hard to ignore as possible as they’ll only be effective if they’re actually seen.

Given that we’re using toasts, via the BurntToast module, this only applies to Windows 10.

Also, the client will need the Active Directory PowerShell module on the system. How you achieve this is up to you… this is meant to be more of a fun “hey look what we can do” type exercise than a complete recipe to fix an issue.

Finally, be warned that the examples here include backtick in order to keep the snippets narrow. Keep an eye out if you’re copy/pasting.

Getting into the Code

Alright, enough jabber, time for the code.

We start by figuring out how long it is until the current user’s password is from expiring. We get this from the computed expiry time property on their AD object, and create a timespan between ‘now’ and ‘then’:

$ExpiryTime = Get-ADUser $env:USERNAME -Properties 'msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed'
$Expiry = [datetime]::FromFileTime($ExpiryTime.'msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed')
$TimeToGo = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $Expiry

We only want to show our toast if we’re inside a three-day window of the expiry time, so let’s test for that. Then we populate some variables for use within the toast’s text.

Finally, we generate the toast!

if ($TimeToGo -le 3) {
    if ($TimeToGo.Days -gt 0) {
        $Count = $TimeToGo.Days
        $Unit = 'Days'
    } else {
        $Count = $TimeToGo.Hours
        $Unit = 'Hours'

    New-BurntToastNotification -Sound Alarm10 `
        -Text 'Your password is close to expiring!',
              "Please change your password soon, it will expire in $Count $Unit.",
              'You can change it any time by pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL and choosing "Change a password."'

Right, we’ve now got code that can be run on-demand, but that won’t do! Let’s get this going on a schedule.

Imagine you’ve wrapped all of the previous code up as a ScriptBlock and then create a Job Trigger and Job Options. Take all those components and use them a register your scheduled job.

$JobTrigger = New-JobTrigger -Once `
                             -At "01:00" `
                             -RepeatIndefinitely `
                             -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 90)

$JobOptions = New-ScheduledJobOption -RequireNetwork

Register-ScheduledJob -Name 'Password Expiry Reminder' `
                      -ScriptBlock $JobBlock `
                      -Trigger $JobTrigger `
                      -ScheduledJobOption $JobOptions

Unfortunately, we’re not quite done. The current version of Windows 10 defaults to running these scheduled jobs whether or not the user is logged in and toasts won’t work if that is the case.

We can fix this by borrowing from the Scheduled Task (as opposed to Scheduled Job) cmdlets and set the logon type to Interactive.

$Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -LogonType Interactive -UserId $ENV:USERNAME

Set-ScheduledTask -Principal $Principal `
                  -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScheduledJobs\' `
                  -TaskName 'Password Expiry Reminder'

You’re done! Our forgetful user will now be notified every ninety minutes regarding the impending expiry. The toast is specifically using an alarm tone, which makes is stay on the screen for longer and sounds annoying.

If they manage to ignore these notifications, I don’t know if there is any hope for them.


That was a fun little exercise and I hope you took something away from it.

You can get the final product via Gist .

Personally, this was the first time I made use of the scheduled task cmdlet to tweak one of the jobs rather than doing it via the GUI (the more you know.)

Have you got any uses for toasts that make your life (or your users' lives) easier? Let me know on twitter !

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